Health & Wellness

Wellness at ACCESS

Physical and mental health, plus health education and substance abuse education

People who are experiencing homeless suffer disproportionately from significantly lower life-expectancy rates, higher number and wider span of diseases, lack of health care, and lack of health education.

In assessing the clients at ACCESS, staff has found that most single women are uninsured. Most families qualify for health care but can't afford co-pays, over-the-counter medication, or transportation. Many families frequent emergency clinics. Many homeless women and children suffer from mental health issues. It is difficult for our clients to maintain housing, care for their children or secure employment if they are unable to maintain and afford health care for themselves and their children.

Physical Health

ACCESS has a fully equipped on-site Care Clinic and collaborates with Cleveland Clinic Akron General, University of Akron College of Nursing, and Akron Children’s Hospital. All clients, including children, are required to complete a personal history and a physical assessment by the physicians and nurse practitioners. Check-ups are an opportunity for clients to receive preventative care, health maintenance and receive necessary prescriptions at no cost to the client.

Mental Health

ACCESS collaborates with Child Guidance and Family Solutions to provide on-site mental health counseling for our clients in need.

Health Education

Once a month, physicians from Cleveland Clinic Akron General lead “Chick Chat,” informational sessions covering topics such as HIV awareness, stress management, and smoking cessation. Clients also learn how to manage health problems through many one-on-one appointments with the Health and Wellness Coordinator.

Substance Abuse Education

Clients are encouraged to attend sessions where topics such as signs and symptoms of compulsive behaviors and the role addictive behavior plays in homelessness are addressed. The Health and Wellness Coordinator is a certified Recovery Coach and works with many of the clients one-on-one to help break the chains of addiction.