Key Facts & Stats

Research and statistics validate the observation and experience of ACCESS staff, which indicates that homelessness continues to be a very serious problem in Summit County and in the United States.

On one night in January 2020, the Point in Time count found 587 individuals living in emergency shelters, transitional shelters or unsheltered in Summit County. All of these living situations meet the definition of homelessness.

There has been a marked increase in people living in "doubled-up" situations. In order to save money, many individuals and households "double-up" in apartments and houses. This type of living situation is often the last step before the individual or family becomes homeless.

Since its inception, ACCESS has served more than 23,000 women and children in crisis. In 2023, ACCESS:

  • Sheltered 217 residents including 116 under the age of 18.

  • Provided 46,887 meals to women and children in our shelter

  • Held 79 classes

  • Provided 15,679 bed nights

  • Facilitated 156 clinic hours

  • 89% of individualized service plans were completed by case managers within 48 hours of women entering the shelter

  • 44% of ACCESS residents exited with a source of income

  • 66% of residents left ACCESS for permanent housing

ACCESS Revenue

In 2023, ACCESS:

  • Received 29 organizational and foundation grants

  • Received $301,875 total local and foundation grants

  • Had 334 first-time supporters

  • $37,275.23 gifts from first-time financial supporters


ACCESS Expenses